Velo Øvre Farm, Norway

Hans Anders Velo began building his Limousin herd from scratch in 2010 with the acquisition of six cows. From the current 29 calvings a year, his plan is to increase the herd to around 40 animals.

Hans Anders Velo began building his Limousin herd from scratch in 2010 with the acquisition of six cows. From the current 29 calvings a year, his plan is to increase the herd to around 40 animals.

“Now I know that everything is fine with my animals, even when I’m at work or away from home. If it’s time for insemination, I can tell the inseminator over the phone where the cow in question stands. This is both easy and safe, while giving me more freedom.”

Hans Anders Velo, Owner


Build a breeding herd using the farm’s own animals, while reducing the manual labor involved in heat detection and other tasks.


Allflex SenseHub system with cSense Flex neck tags


The farm’s insemination success rate has increased, with reduced effort and time spent in the barn.

  • Company:Velo Øvre
  • Location:Jevnaker, Norway
  • Livestock:29 Limousin cows


“I quickly saw that [SenseHub] gives me good control over the herd, and helped in determining the optimal insemination time, with 9 out of 14 animals becoming pregnant after insemination,” says Hans. It’s also proven useful for warning “if the animal is unhappy in one way or another. If individuals are excluded from the herd, are not allowed to eat in peace or are otherwise exposed because they are far down the ladder, SenseHub informs me that I should pay a little extra attention to them.”

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